Here's all the stuff I do. Study Computer Science I am a BSc student at the Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Ioannina. Arduino Project I am interested in Arduino for making my own circuits and test them. In addition i think this is a very nice hobby.
Here’s some useful Links. Download Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu operating system is a free and most common Linux distribution in the world. Eclipse Luna Eclipse is the most common free IDE for Java Developers for all platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS. Java JDK, JRE Version 8 You can download Java from this link. You need JDK to compile and run programms written in Java language.
Download Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu operating system is a free and most common Linux distribution in the world.
Eclipse Luna Eclipse is the most common free IDE for Java Developers for all platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS.
Java JDK, JRE Version 8 You can download Java from this link. You need JDK to compile and run programms written in Java language.